Four monsters In the first year of Balthazar, king of Babylon, Daniel had a dream: ghosts were lying on his bed. A concise record of what he dreamed. 2 He said: At night I saw in a vision, when there was: four winds of heaven shook the great sea. 3 Four great monsters came out of the sea, each different. 4 The first was like a lion, and the wings of an eagle. As I watched her, her wings were pulled out, she rose from the ground and rose to her feet like a man, and the heart of man was given to her. 5 When there is another monster: behold, quite different: like a bear, erect on one side, three ribs in its jaws, between its teeth. And it was said unto her, Arise, and eat of the flesh. 7 Then, in the visions of the night, I looked, and behold, the fourth monster, fearful, terrifying, terribly strong, had great iron teeth; she devoured, crumbled, and what was left she trampled with her feet. It was different from previous monsters and had ten horns. 8 I beheld her horns, and behold, a little horn grew among them; and before that horn three former horns were plucked. And behold, on that horn were eyes like the eyes of a man, and a mouth speaking great blasphemies. 9 Ancient judges of monsters I watched: Thrones were set and the Ancients sit. His suit was white as snow; hair on the head like pure wool. His throne like flames of fire and wheels like a blazing fire. 10 The river of fire flowed, springing up in front of him. A thousand thousand served him, myriads stood before him. The court is sitting, the books opened. 11 I beheld then, because of the noise of the great blasphemies which the horn spake: and as I beheld, the monster was slain, and her body dismembered, and set on fire. 12 The rest of the monsters will be deprived of power, but their length of life will be for a time and a time. 13 The power of the world given to the Son of Man I watched in night visions and behold, it cometh in the clouds of heaven as the Son of man. He approached the Ancient and they brought him to him. 14 To him was given authority; honor and kingdom, to be served by all nations, tribes and languages. The power of his power is eternal and it will never pass, his kingdom will not perish. 15 An angel interprets a vision To me, Daniel, the whole spirit is laughing because of that, visions are running through my head, everything scares me. 16 I approached one of those who was standing there and asked him to tell me the truth about all this. He answered me and told me the meaning: 17 "Those four great monsters are the four kings who will rise on earth. 18 But the kingdom of the most High shall be taken from them, and they shall possess it for ever and ever. 19 I longed to know the truth about the fourth monster, the one who was different from everyone else, who was extraordinarily terrible, who had iron teeth and brass claws, and who devoured and crumbled and trampled on what was left; 20 And of the ten horns that were upon her head, and of the other horn that grew, until the first three fell off, the horn that had eyes and a mouth that uttered great blasphemies, and that was greater than the other horns. 21 And I beheld how this horn fought against the Saints, and prevailed against them, 22 Until the Ancient of days came, who judged the saints of the Most High, and until the time came when the Saints took possession of the kingdom. 23 And he said, The fourth monster it will be the fourth kingdom on earth, different from all kingdoms. It will swallow up the whole earth, trample it and crush it. 24 And the ten horns: From this kingdom there will be ten kings, and behind them will rise one another different from the first ones - and he will overthrow the three kings. 25 He will blaspheme against the Most High, to oppress the Saints of the Most High; he will think of changing the holidays and the Law, and the Saints will be handed over to him for one time and two times and half the time. 26 Then shall the judgment sit, and take away the power thereof; to destroy, utterly destroy. 27 And the kingdom, the power, and the majesty under all the heavens it will be given to the people of the Saints of the Most High. His kingdom is eternal, and all the authorities will serve him and obey him. " 28 This concludes the report. I, Daniel, was very shaken in my thoughts and my face turned pale, but I kept all this in my heart.


 The kingdom of the Antichrist at the end of time USA + Russia + China + EU

Nabonidus (Acad. Nabû-nāʾid) was the last king of the New Babylonian Empire to rule from 556 to 539 BC. Kr. Three years after coming to power, Nabonidus decided to leave Babylon, that is, to go to the oasis of Teym. Although he retained the royal title, he left the management of the country to his son and co-ruler Belshazar. The first year of Balthazar is probably 553 BC. It is a prophecy that refers to the very end of time and human history, before the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. The four great monsters are the four great powers - the monsters that will affect the whole world - humanity (the image of the sea). The lion is first a symbol of Babylon, and the winged lion is a symbol of Venice, which originates from the ancient Phoenicians, ie families that migrated from Babylon, Phenicia to Venice. Great Britain was strongly influenced by Venice and took over the symbol of the lion, and became a great maritime and trading power like Venice and Phenicia, and in the end that great power today is the United States. Today, the eagle is a symbol of the United States and the lion is a symbol of England. The winged lion is a symbol of the unity of the United States and England and their power, ie the most powerful families that rule them. A winged lion that loses its wings means a decline in the power of the Anglo-Americans. The second monster - an upright bear means the growth of Russia's power that will rise, go to war, and attack and rule over three great states - three ribs in the jaws. The third monster-leopard with four heads and four bird wings is reminiscent of the dragon-symbol of China, which is on the rise of its economic. political in military power. The fourth monster is the European Union and is led by ten powerful politicians. The little horn that will rip out the three horns-powerful-politicians (probably will kill them) is the Antichrist himself who will come to the head of the EU. Almighty God is destroying the kingdom of the Antichrist The Antichrist and his kingdom will be destroyed, and the power of the other monster-kingdoms will remain for another short time. The Second Coming of Jesus Christ The Lord Jesus Christ is that Son of Man who will come in the clouds of heaven. That title of the Son of Man, Jesus gives himself many times in the Gospels, and says that he will come in the clouds of heaven. The ancient God the Father handed over the kingdom to his Son to be served by all the nations in the new paradise on earth. i.e. the millennial kingdom of Christ according to the Book of Revelation of St. John the Apostle. It is an eternal power that will never pass again. Angelo's interpretation of vision The four kings representing the four monster-kingdoms will be destroyed and the kingdom will be taken over by those who survive the persecution of the Antichrist and his army - the Saints of the Most High in the millennial kingdom of Christ, or forever.

8. poglavlje


Borba ovna i jarca

Treće godine kralja Baltazara ukaza se meni, Danielu, viđenje poslije onoga koje mi se ukazalo prije. 2 Gledah viđenje, i dok gledah, nađoh se u Šušanu, čvrstu gradu u pokrajini Elamu; i u viđenju se vidjeh na rijeci Ulaju. 3 Podigoh oči, i gle: ovan stajaše kraj rijeke. Imaše dva roga: oba roga visoka, no jedan viši nego drugi, a onaj viši narastao poslije. 4 Gledah kako ovan bode na zapad, na sjever i jug. Nijedna mu se životinja ne mogaše oprijeti, ništa mu ne mogaše izbjeći. Činio je što je htio, osilio se.
5 Dok sam promatrao, gle: jarac dolazi sa zapada povrh sve zemlje, ne dodirujući tla; jarac imaše silan rog među očima. 6 Približi se dvorogom ovnu kojega bijah vidio gdje stoji kraj rijeke i potrča na njega u svoj žestini svoje snage. 7 Vidjeh kako se približi ovnu: bijesno udari na ovna i slomi mu oba roga, a ovan nije imao snage da mu se opre; obori ga jarac na zemlju i stade ga nogama gaziti; nikoga ne bijaše da spasi ovna. 8 Jarac osili veoma, ali kad osili, veliki se rog slomi, a na njegovu mjestu izrastoše četiri velika roga prema četiri vjetra nebeska.

Mali rog

Iz jednoga od njih izbi malen rog, ali taj silno poraste prema jugu i istoku, prema Divoti. 10 On poraste sve do Nebeske vojske, obori na zemlju neke iz Vojske i od zvijezda pa ih zgazi nogama. 11 Poraste sve do Zapovjednika Vojske, oduze mu svagdašnju žrtvu i razori mu njegovo sveto mjesto. 12 Vojska se digla na žrtvu svagdašnju zbog opačine, na zemlju oborila istinu i uspje u svemu što činjaše.

Trajanje kušnjâ

Tada čuh gdje jedan Svetac govori, a drugi Svetac upita onoga koji govoraše: »Dokle će trajati ovo viđenje o svagdašnjoj žrtvi i o opačini što pustoši i gazi Svetište i Vojsku?« 14 Odgovori: »Još dvije tisuće i tri stotine večeri i jutara; tada će Svetište biti očišćeno.«

Tumačenje viđenja

Kad sam ja, Daniel, gledajući ovo viđenje, tražio da ga razumijem, gle, preda me stade kao neki čovjek. 16 Začuh glas čovječji gdje viče preko Ulaja: »Gabriele, objasni mu to viđenje!« 17 On pođe onamo gdje stajah i kad mi se približi, strah me obuze i padoh na lice. On mi reče: »Sine čovječji, razumij: jer ovo je viđenje za vrijeme posljednje.« 18 On još govoraše, a ja se onesvijestih, padoh na zemlju. On me dotače i uspravi na mom mjestu. 19 I reče: »Evo, kazat ću ti što će doći na kraju gnjeva, najavljeni svršetak. 20 Ovan što si ga vidio - njegova dva roga - to su kraljevi Medije i Perzije. 21 Rutavi jarac jest kralj Grčke; veliki rog među njegovim očima jest prvi kralj; 22 slomljeni rog i četiri roga što izbiše na njegovu mjestu, to su četiri kraljevstva što će izići iz njegova naroda, ali neće imati njegovu moć.
23 I potkraj njihova kraljevanja,
kad bezakonici navrše mjeru,
ustat će kralj, drzak i lukav.
24 Njegova će moć porasti, ali ne svojom snagom;
nesmiljeno će pustošiti,
uspijevat će u svojim pothvatima,
zatirat' junake
i narod Svetaca.
25 Zbog njegove lukavosti
prijevara će uspijevati u njegovoj ruci.
On će se uznijeti u svome srcu,
iz čista mira upropastit će mnoge.
Suprotstavit će se Knezu nad knezovima,
ali će - ne rukom - biti skršen.
26 Viđenje o večerima i jutrima o kojem je bilo govora istinito je;
no ti ga zapečati, jer je za daleke dane.«
27 Tada ja, Daniel, obnemogoh i bijah bolestan više dana. Zatim ustadoh da vršim kraljevske poslove. Bijah smeten zbog viđenja, no nitko to nije dokučio.

8. poglavlje

Proroštvo o malom rogu - lažnom proroku - antipapi

U trećoj godini Kralja Baltazara, vjerojatno se radi o 550 god. pr.Kr.  Daniel ima viđenje o drugoj zvijeri - malom rogu kojeg spominje sv. Ivan Apostol, a koji će doći na kraju vremena . Prvo opisuje neposrednu budućnost - uspon Perzijskog carstva, a nakon njega pobjedu Aleksandra velikog - veliki rog i njegovog Grčkog carstva nad Perzijskim carstvom. Nakon brzog pada Aleksandra velikog - veliki rog koji se lomi, nasljeđuju ga četiri roga tj. njegovi generali - dijadosi. Nakon 280. p. n. e. tri su dinastije zavladale gotovo cijelim bivšim Aleksandrovim carstvom. Dijadosi je naziv koji označava generale Aleksandra III Velikog koji su u 323. god. pr. Kr. u Babilonu međusobno podijelili teritoriju. Nakon toga će međusobnim ratovima nastaviti dijeliti njegovo veliko carstvo. Vremenski, ratovanje dijadosa obuhvaća razdoblje 323. pr.Kr..-281. pr.Kr. To su Antigonidi ( Makedonija i Grčka ) , Ptolomeji ( Egipat ) i Seleukidi ( Mala Azija ). Sve tri dinastije su vladale do dolaska Rimskog imperija. Rimski imperij  je vjerojatno četvrti veliki rog iz kojeg će doći mali rog - lažni prorok - antipapa.

Proroštvo o malom rogu odnosi se na sam kraj vremena - vrijeme svršetka. Njegova moć je porasla i on postade dio Nebeske vojske što je Božja vojska koja vodi duhovni boj na zemlji. Poraste do Zapovjednika Vojske tj. postaje čelnik Katoličke crkve - papa i uništi vjeru ( obori na zemlju ) dio Vojske-laike i zvijezde - svećenike ( kler ). Ukida pravu svagdašnju žrtvu, tj. ukida pravu sv. Misu i pretvorbu i uvodi novo pogansko bogoslužje u crkve (razaranje svetog mjesta). Vojska tj. Vojska Ostatka ipak uspijeva održati pravu sv. Misu i pretvorbu i svjedoči za istinu šireći sv. Evanđelje i imala je u tome veliki uspjeh.

Trajanje kušnje, odnosno ukidanje svagdašnje žrtve trajati će 2300 dana, tj oko 6 god. 4. mjeseca . Taj se broj dosta razlikuje od 3,5 godine vladavine Antikrista. Vjerojatno će prava žrtva biti ukinuta prije vladavine Antikrista , što će mu omogućiti ulazak u Crkvu i na kraju njegovo krunjenje za gospodara crkve i svijeta.

711.Oni će dovesti Božju djecu pod vlast malog roga, koji će sjediti u pompoznom sjaju na Petrovoj Stolici

Dijete moje, u ovo doba se događaju mnoge stvari u svijetu, pošto sotonina armija nastavlja, da svugdje širi kaos. Oni pokušavaju, da preuzmu kontrolu nad financijskim ustanovama, da bi s time nad Mojom djecom mogli počiniti užasno nasilje. Oni, ta zla skupina, gonjena pohlepom i moći, pokušavaju isto, da u Iranu prouzrokuju jedan atomski rat.



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