The secret of Fatima is connected with the future Few of you innocent and trusting souls manage to grasp the evil that is being revealed. Listen now, My children, including those who are reading these messages for the first time, out of curiosity, because you feel a rift in your spiritual good. You and your brothers and sisters are...
... Reveal to everyone you come in contact with the details of how each of them could be redeemed, even at the moment of death, by praying the rosary of God's Mercy... When they proudly brag about being agnostics or atheists, tell them this. Ask them if they will feel different as their life on earth draws to a...
... The time has come for My Second Coming, signs already being shown to those who know the prophecies prophesied so long ago. Watch and what do you see now? The signs are visible now. The man does not realize the terrible attack to which he is exposed. A godless lie, harmlessly led and accepted by governments, hides unnoticed...

Nebuchadnezzar II. (Acad. Nabû-kudurri-uṣur, 642 - 562 BC) was the greatest ruler of the New Babylonian Empire. He began his career as a military officer and came to the throne in 605 BC. Kr. after the death of his father Nabopolassar. The second year of Nebuchadnezzar's reign is probably 604 BC. After Daniel and his companions were raised for...

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