15. CONVERSATION Sunday, November 21, 2010, 1:30 p.m.

... Reveal to everyone you come in contact with the details of how each of them could be redeemed, even at the moment of death, by praying the rosary of God's Mercy
... When they proudly brag about being agnostics or atheists, tell them this. Ask them if they will feel different as their life on earth draws to a close. Then give them this advice. Remember this prayer of God's Mercy on your deathbed, even though you are not sure yet. Open your hearts and ask my Eternal Father to forgive you. Remember My promise. As a Judge, and as a Savior, I will forgive - each of My children, even in the last moments of life. Tell them to pray hard to open their hearts this time ...
Your Divine Savior and Judge Jesus Christ, Son of the Eternal Father