Nebuchadnezzar II. (Acad. Nabû-kudurri-uṣur, 642 - 562 BC) was the greatest ruler of the New Babylonian Empire. He began his career as a military officer and came to the throne in 605 BC. Kr. after the death of his father Nabopolassar. The second year of Nebuchadnezzar's reign is probably 604 BC. After Daniel and his companions were raised for three years at the court of Nebuchadnezzar (probably from 607 BC to 605 BC), God reveals to Nebuchadnezzar what will happen in the near and distant future, at the end of time - the end of the day, i.e. the seventh day of creation which has not been concluded and which still lasts from the creation of the world and humanity. Before that end of the day, God announces the sequence of great kingdoms that will precede the end of time. The huge statue represents man and humanity in his fallen nature who will become more and more distant from God in the future, until the kingdom of God finally comes. The statue also represents all human, earthly kingdoms until the end of time when Christ (the rock-stone that fell off) will destroy all earthly, ungodly kingdoms. Empires are described in images of less and less valuable metals. The stone that fell off the hill without being touched by the hand is a supernatural intervention of God. The stone strikes in the weakest part of the statue, and these are the feet of iron and clay, which represents the last, fifth kingdom on earth which will be the weakest, though it will seem to be strong. The first kingdom - the head of gold - is represented by Nebuchadnezzar as the founder of the New Babylonian Empire, which lasted about 85 years (625 BC-539 BC). The second kingdom - chest and arms of silver is the Median-Persian kingdom that lasted about 220 years (550 BC-330 BC) whose founder was Cyrus the Great. The third kingdom - the belly and thighs made of brass is the Greek kingdom founded by Alexander the Great and lasting about 300 years (330 BC-27 BC). The fourth kingdom - iron ore is the Roman Empire founded by Octavian-Augustus and which lasted about 500 years (27 BC-476), until the fall of the Western Roman Empire. Fifth Kingdom - feet of iron and clay continues after the fall of the Western Roman Empire to the present day and lasts about 1550 (476-2030) This fifth kingdom will be divided, which already happened during the Roman Empire when the Roman Emperor Theodosius I He divided the empire among his sons, so that the western part was given to Honorius, and the eastern to Arcadia. Later, there was a Church schism in 1054 between the Eastern and Western Churches. It has survived in some way through Byzantium and the Holy Roman Empire to the present day and is today represented as a community of European nations in the European Union. It has the characteristics of the former strength of the Roman Empire, which is represented by iron, but also the softness of clay - today's EU, which can not be held together with iron. Iron mixed with clay represents various European monarchies between which marriage and marriage took place, but they nevertheless fought each other, culminating in World War I, where close relatives fought each other. Although mostly Catholic and Orthodox monarchies were overthrown after World War I, some of them continue to live to this day, especially Protestant monarchies. These surviving monarchies in today's society seem like unimportant remnants of the past, although in fact they play an important role in the various secret societies that rule the world from behind. Here is the most important British royal family Windsori who trace their origins to the Saxon ruling dynasty Wettin which appears in sources as early as the 10th century, and their ethnic origin is German. Some of these monarchical families are members of the Committee of 300, the supreme body that governs world politics, the economy, a multitude of banks and corporations and political organizations. Former U.S. Secret Service officer Dr. John Coleman writes about this in his book Committee of 300 (Hierarchy of Conspirators) and some other authors like William Engdahl, Michael Morris and others. And at the end of their reign, their authority and power, God will raise up a kingdom that will never pass away, and that will be the kingdom of Christ that will last for 1000 years as announced in the Book of Revelation. John the Apostle. (Rev. 20: 6). This statue was terrible to the eyes of man, because great empires to this day have oppressed ordinary people-subjects and were ungodly, contrary to human well-being. The stone that fell and struck the statue and filled the whole earth is in fact God's supernatural intervention to destroy the last ungodly, human kingdom and establish the kingdom of Christ at the end of time that will cover the whole earth (Rev. 20: 4). Those who sat on them were judged - and the souls of those executed for the testimony of Jesus and for the Word of God and all who did not worship the Beast or his statue and did not receive a mark on their foreheads or hands. The request of the prayer of our Father will be fulfilled, that the kingdom of God may come to earth and be like in Heaven. All earthly kingdoms become like chaff on the threshing floor you and the wind carry them away without a trace. What seemed solid, as if it would always last, disappears without a trace, the former life and the human world order.
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