68. THE WRATH OF GOD WILL COME DOWN ON THE NEW WORLD ORDER Sunday, April 17, 2011, 7:00 p.m.


My dearest daughter, it is with great sadness that I have to tell you that the inevitable environmental changes will result in a great loss of life in Asia, Europe, Russia and the United States of America. The wrath of God, My Eternal Father, will quickly fall upon this Universal Alliance which conspires through underground organizations to bring death to the rest of the world for its own benefit. They are responsible for creating rich economies and new technologies that would dazzle you, if they weren't so sinister in their purposes. These people, from all First World countries, are rich, powerful, talented and control the banks, the military, the world's humanitarian organizations, the police forces, the governments, the energy suppliers and the media. None of you can escape their clutches unless I tell you how. Prayer, especially the prayer of God's Mercy, will spread conversion, and the prayer of the Holy Rosary will reduce the work of these evil interlopers whose idol is Satan. This is interesting. Many of these ravishers, caught in this web of deception, believe that they are simply glory-seekers with a natural desire for wealth, and have no religious beliefs. What they don't know is that Satan is deceiving and influencing them every day. In their thoughts, aspirations, words and deeds. How blind they are. Where they are gathered, the wrath of God will come down with terrifying force. This is already happening. They will be stopped, but it will take some time. It won't stop them completely, but it will reduce the terrible impact their actions would otherwise have. The Holy Trinity is now effective in communicating with chosen souls around the world. Believers have already noticed this. Those who do not believe in God the Father, think that such people are just doomsday freaks. While many people in the world today are indeed making false claims, please do not dismiss them without first hearing what they have to say. Always pray for guidance during these difficult and confusing times. Focus your attention on Me, your Divine Savior, all the time. I will hold your hand and support you through these trials. Many people, when they witness the fulfillment of these prophecies, will be panicked and horrified in many ways. But there is no need to fear, because this period will be short-lived. And then a new Heaven and Earth will come, where you will live peacefully, long and blessed lives united with Me. The more people come back and ask God the Father for guidance, the less will be the influence of the evil rule devised by the New World Order. Go now in peace. Pray to strengthen your faith in Me.

Your merciful Savior and Righteous Judge Jesus Christ

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