Chapter 8 Prophecy of the little horn - false prophet - antipope
In the third year of King Balthazar, it is probably about 550 years. BC Daniel has a vision of another beast - the little horn mentioned by St. John the Apostle, which will come at the end of time. First, it describes the immediate future - the rise of the Persian Empire, and after that the victory of Alexander the Great - the great horn and his Greek Empire over the Persian Empire. After the rapid fall of Alexander the great - the great horn that breaks, he is succeeded by four horns, i.e. his generals - the diados. After 280 BC e. three dynasties ruled almost the entire former empire of Alexander. Diadosi is the name that denotes the generals of Alexander III the Great who in 323. BC in Babylon divided the territory among themselves. After that, they will continue to divide his great empire with mutual wars. In terms of time, the war of the Diados covers the period 323 BC-281 BC. BC These are the Antigonids (Macedonia and Greece), the Ptolemies (Egypt) and the Seleucids (Asia Minor). All three dynasties ruled until the arrival of the Roman Empire. The Roman Empire is probably the fourth big horn from which the little horn - the false prophet - the antipope will come. The prophecy about the little horn refers to the very end of time - the time of the end. His power increased and he became part of the Heavenly Army, which is God's army that leads the spiritual battle on earth. He rises to Commander of the Army, i.e. he becomes the leader of the Catholic Church - the Pope and destroys the faith (brings down to the ground) part of the Army - laymen and stars - priests (clergy). It abolishes the real daily sacrifice, i.e. it abolishes the real St. Mass and conversion and introduces a new pagan worship in the churches (destruction of the holy place). The army, i.e. the Army of the Remnant, still manages to maintain the true St. Mass and conversion and testify to the truth by spreading St. Gospel and she had great success in it. The duration of the trial, i.e. the abolition of the daily sacrifice, will last 2300 days, ie about 6 years. 4th month. This number is quite different from the 3.5 years of the reign of the Antichrist. It is likely that the true sacrifice will be abolished before the reign of the Antichrist, which will allow him to enter the Church and finally his coronation as the lord of the church and the world.