The first creation report The beginning of the Holy Scriptures of the Old Testament and the beginning of the Gospel according to St. John begin similarly to John; In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth; In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. According to that similarity and sublimity, the Gospel according to St. John should stand at the beginning of the New Testament. At the beginning of time, God who is beyond time creates all the spiritual (heaven) and all material world (earth). God who fills everything (heaven and earth), creates a spiritual and material space that will fill with spiritual and material beings. God creates solid matter - earth and soft matter of water from which and in which He will shape various creatures and breathe His life-giving soul into them. God the Father, the first person of the Most Holy Trinity, is the one from whom everything derives and who is mentioned in the first verse. The second line mentions the Spirit of God hovering over the waters, and that is the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Most Holy Trinity, the one who sanctifies, but also the active spirit, the spirit of doing, the one who creates (hovering) with ease. We see that God the Father creates the world by his Word and by his Spirit (God made ...). The third verse mentions the Word of God, the Wisdom of God, or another person of the Most Holy Trinity, the Lord Jesus Christ, by whom He created the worlds. Thus, already at the very beginning of St. The Scriptures, in the first three lines, mention all three persons of the Most Holy Trinity, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. God first creates light, that is, all spiritual beings, cherubim, seraphim, angels, thrones, and lordships. God put him to the test. the test of fidelity all these spiritual beings still the first day and one part passed the test and the other part did not pass the test of fidelity and they became darkness. Those who remained faithful remained in the light, and therefore it is said of them that God saw that the light was good, and those who fell on the test of faithfulness became darkness, fallen angels, demons, or demons. And God has forever separated these two incompatible worlds, the world of light-heaven and good angels and the world of darkness-hell, the world of demons. That was how the first day ended. In the second day we return again to the material world, ie to the waters, which God divides by creating the firmament of heaven. The earth was all surrounded and covered with water, and God divided the upper and lower waters to create a vault, which is said in the Book of Job to be solid like a cast mirror (Job 37:18). Later in the flood, God breaks down the dams that divide the upper and lower waters and returns everything to its original chaos, beginning a new creation of the world and humanity. At the end of the second day, God does not say that it was good (the only such day), perhaps because of the terrible flood in which the waters destroyed everything except those who were in the ark. The vault is called heaven as well as the whole spiritual world, as if the vault divides all the spiritual and all material worlds. In the new heaven and the new earth, heaven and earth will be united, they will become one, there will be no vault, then all will be well. On the third day the land-land is finally shown, God creates the land-land and the sea. in the second part of the third day God adorns the earth with grass, trees, so that he creates all this from the earth itself. On the fourth day, God decorates the vault of heaven with various lights, placing the sun, moon and stars on it. The lights serve to illuminate a land that would otherwise be in darkness. The greater the light, the sun gives light to the day, and at night the moon and stars illuminate the earth so that it is not in complete darkness. Lights also help determine the time, especially holidays. On the fifth day, God creates for the first time living beings who are material, unlike angels. God creates and decorates water, air. God creates a multitude of living beings in the water and in the water, he creates birds in the air that fly through the vault of heaven. Here the meaning of the vault is in a broader sense as all airspace from the earth to the end of the vault. For the first time, God blesses beings, because these are living creatures that will multiply in the future according to the instinct that God, the creator, instilled in them. On the sixth day, God adorns the earth itself, the land with various creatures that create from the earth, and as the crown of creation, God creates man (male and female) at the end of the day, in his image, similar to himself to govern all living beings and his earth. The plural in the verb to make indicates that the angels also participated in some way in the creation of man, that they were co-creators, just as man in the future will in his own small way be a co-creator of the new offspring. God blesses the first man and the first woman and commands them to participate in the creation of new generations and to govern their land and all living beings. God gives all the plants and fruits from the trees for food, and all the green plants for the animals. It is a picture of a golden age when man and animals were at peace. Both were herbivores, but that period lasted a very short time until the sins of great-grandparents Adam and Eve when disorder enters the world and begins to kill each other. Man kills animals for food, animals kill other animals for food and even worse man kills man out of hatred, addiction, and some animals can kill man if they feel threatened by man.

However, God promises in the distant future, according to his prophets, the return of the golden age, ie the era of peace when the original harmony and peace between God and humanity will prevail, which includes the entire created world, including various animals. (Isaiah 11: 6-9) The wolf will dwell with the lamb, the lynx will lie with the kid, the calf and the lion will fall together, and the little child will lead them. The cow and the bear will fall together, and their young will lie down together, the lion will eat straw like a cow. An infant will play over the guinea pig hole, the sucker will drag its hand into the snake's nest. No more evil shall be done, no more desolation in all my holy mountain: the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the LORD, as the waters are filled with the sea. The conclusion of the sixth day is that everything was very good, while before everything was good, except on the second day, when it was not said. God made everything good and perfect, and through the devil's envy, death came into the world (Mud 2: 24a). On the seventh day God completed all his work, heaven and earth with all living beings which he calls his army, which means that in the future he will have to fight the enemy in spiritual battle, and the enemy is mentioned on the first day, it is darkness, from. a world of evil spirits and hell. God stopped His creation on the seventh day which is later called the Sabbath-Sabbath-rest. This time, in addition to blessing, God consecrates that day and thus raises it above the other days of the week. That day becomes Shabbat-Sabbath, a day dedicated to the Lord when a man leaves his daily work and dedicates himself to God so that he would not forget it due to the monotony of his daily work. The biblical writer finally confirms that heaven and earth, that is, all created spiritual and material worlds, are created in this way, and not in any other way, as claimed by the generations of that time (Sumerians and Egyptians), that creation is a sequence of divine births. generations claim under the influence of Masonic science, that creation was accidental, and that it lasted billions of years.

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