God the Father: Earthquakes will be felt as part of a small chastisement before The Warning Friday, February 10th, 2012 @ 19:50


... I also wish to inform you that a number of earthquakes will be felt as I cast down a small chastisement to punish those wicked
souls who torment their fellow countrymen.
My daughter once this chastisement is over it will be time for The Warning...

... Remember I love all of My children but like any good Father I must punish My children in order for them to understand the
difference between right and wrong.
This cleansing will waken up My children and many more will accept the graces, with gratitude, when they are poured over
humanity during The Warning.
I love you children and it is My desire to save each of you including those hardened of souls who will not accept the
existence the Holy Trinity.

Your beloved Father
God of the Most High

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