God the Father: Europe will be first target of Red Dragon followed by the USA Tuesday, February 14th, 2012 @ 18:00


... Know this, though, the Red Dragon you were told about some time ago has now risen his head coyly but with a deadly intent
of devouring Christians all over the world.
Patient for so long in waiting he will now swoop down and, with fire from his mouth, destroy everything that represents homage to
Me, God of the Most High and My beloved Son, Jesus Christ.
Europe will be his first target and then the United States of America.
Communism will be introduced and woe to those who oppose the reign of the Red Dragon...

... They cannot win and their power will not only be shortlived but the Red Dragon and his blind allies will be thrown into the fires of
eternal damnation...

Your Loving Father
God, the creator of all mankind
God of the Most High

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