KI-Comments: 1. THE FIRST MESSAGE OF THE VIRGIN MARY Monday, November 8, 2010, 1:30 p.m., after praying the rosary at home (Announcement of future prophecies to the seer, who at that moment did not know what was required of her.)
These messages are of divine origin and must be respected.
The Book of Truth is mentioned in the Holy Scriptures of the Old Testament in the Book of the prophet Daniel, where it is explicitly mentioned as the Book of Truth in Dn 10:21: "But I will reveal to you first what is written in the Book of Truth. There is no one who will fight with me against them "except for Michael, your Prince, my support and my protection." Line 21 is found in the 10th chapter of the book of the prophet Daniel, which describes the vision of the prophet Daniel (the third year of King Cyrus, i.e. around 535 BC) of a man dressed in linen clothes, around his waist a belt of gold from Ophir, his body like chrysolite, face like lightning, eyes like torches of fire, hands and feet like polished brass, the sound of his words like the murmur of a crowd. This vision of the Son of Man is similar to the vision of St. John the Apostle in chapter 1 of the Book of Revelation, where John has a vision of the Son of Man dressed in a long robe, girded around the chest with a golden belt. Mr. Danielu first announces the near future, the history of the Persian kings until the arrival of the Greek kingdom, i.e. Alexander the Great, then after Alexander come the diados, his generals who share his kingdom, the struggles of the Ptolemies and the Seleucids until the rise of Antiochus Epiphanes (forerunner of the Antichrist) and his end. Then the prophet Daniel receives a vision for the very end of time, the end of days, which speaks of the resurrection and great anxiety, such as has not been since the beginning of the world, and to seal the Book (of Truth) until the time of the end. When Daniel asks how all these miracles will come to an end, the Lord tells him that in secret and sealed words until the time of the end. Both visions are visions of the Son of God who reveals future events to Daniel and John, written in the Book of Truth, and after revealing parts of the future to them, the Book will be sealed until the time of the end, when it will be unsealed again. (Dn 12:4: And you, Daniel, keep these words secret and seal this book until the time of the end! Many will wander, and lawlessness will increase.") Also in the Holy Scriptures of the New Testament, the Book of Truth is mentioned in the 5th chapter of the Book of Revelation as a book with seven seals written on the outside and inside (which means that its contents are abundant) and is with God the Father. God the Father gives it to God the Son, (the Son of Man in Daniel) who is the only one worthy to open its seals. The Book of Truth is also mentioned in the 10th chapter of Revelation as a little book held by an angel and which John must swallow, which was sweet as honey in his mouth and which will make his bowels bitter when he swallows it. And now in the time of the end, the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of Man, the lion of the tribe of Judah as he is called in the Revelation, reveals the contents of the Book of Truth, to the last prophet, the last, seventh angel, Mary of God's Mercy in this day and age, beginning in November 2010 .