Small horn Dn 8, 9-17 and The Book of Truth no. 711


The book of the prophet Daniel

Little horn

 A small horn came out of one of them, but it was a big one rise towards the south and east, towards Splendor. He rises up to the Heavenly Host, falls to the ground some from the Army and from the stars so he tramples them with his feet. He rose all the way to the Commander of the Army, took away from him daily sacrifice and destroy his Holy place. The army rose up for the daily sacrifice because of wickedness, brought the truth down to earth and succeeded in everything she did. Then I heard where one Saint was speaking, and another Saint asked the one who spoke: "How long will this last?" a view of the daily victim and of the wickedness that ravages i treading on the Sanctuary and the Army?" Answer: "Another two thousand three hundred evenings and of the morning; then the Sanctuary will be cleansed." When I, Daniel, looking at this vision, asked yes I understand him, look, he stood before me like a man. I heard a human voice shouting over Ulaj: "Gabrielle, explain that vision to him!" He went to where I was standing and when he got close to me, fear took hold of me and I fell on my face. He said to me: "Son man, understand: for this is a vision for a time last."

The Book of Truth

711. They will bring God's children under the rule of the little horn, who will sit in pompous splendor on the throne of Peter Monday, February 18, 2013 @ 6:00 p.m.

My dearest daughter, while the changes in My Church on earth intensify, so will the voices of false prophets - accordingly - increase in order to support the abomination in My Church. During the time that I reveal to you, the true prophetess of the last time, the Truth - which for the most part is already known - lies will be spread to confuse all those who follow Me. For every instruction I give you for the world, from the mouth of false prophets, the exact opposite will be interpreted. They will bring words of comfort to My followers, when they believe that the Truth is too terrible to bear. Through their evil lies, they will bring God's children under the rule of the little horn, who will sit in pompous splendor on Peter's Chair.(*) When I told you about the great division in My church, I did not tell you how it would happen. Therefore hear Me now: Just as the priests rejected My Holy Word during My time on earth, so the priests will reject Me before My Second Coming. Not only will they reject My Word, which will be given to you, My daughter, but they will accept changes, on which will be forced. Their Holy gifts will be rendered ineffective as soon as they accept the blasphemies and newly presented laws. My faithful followers will also be divided in their devotion to My Church on earth. All you have to do is follow My teachings given to you in My Father's Book. There is no need to run headlong, because I am present among you. You know the Truth. You, as Christians, are nourished by it. Therefore, when you see that God's commandments and My teaching are being changed again and again, and that My Holy Sacraments are changing, then you must turn around. Do not allow yourself to be intimidated by the lies, but fear for those who accept these new crimes and laws that they will insist are from Me, and who cannot understand the Truth.

 Your Jesus

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