The first of man's sin
The snake was more cunning than all the beasts created by the LORD, God. She said to the woman, "Did God tell you that you should not eat from any tree in the garden?" 3 Only for the fruit of the tree that in the middle of the garden said God, 'You have not eaten it! And don't touch it, not to die! ' 5 but, God knows: the day you eat it, your eyes will open, and you will be like gods that distinguish good and evil. " Preferably: he harvested his fruit and eats. He also gave her husband, who was with her, so he ate. 7 Then they both open their eyes and meet that they are naked. They make a fig leaf and make over their apron.
8 They hear the step of the LORD, God, who walked the garden for the daily breeze. And they hide - man and his wife - before the LORD, God, among the trees in the garden. 9 The LORD, God, called the man, "Where are you?" - he told him. 10 He answered, "I have heard your step in the garden; I feared because I was naked, so I hid. "11 Then he said to him," Who tells you that you are naked? So you ate from the tree from which I forbade you to eat? " She did that? "" The snake cheated on me, so I ate, "the woman replied.
14 Then the LORD, God, said to the snake:
"When you did that,
Damn was among all animals
And to your beasts wild!
You will crawl on your belly
And to eat all your life!
15 hostility i am glowing
between you and the woman,
Between your birth and her genus:
he will hold your head,
and you will lurk his heel. "
16 And he said to the woman:
"I will multiply your Pregnancy with your torment, '
You will give birth to children in torment.
The craving will drive you to your husband,
and he will manage over you. "
17 And he said to the man, "For you have obeyed your wife's voice and ate from the tree from which I forbade you to eat, saying: from him that you did not eat! - Here: Let the country be cursed for you:
With the effort, you will feed on it all your life!
18 will give birth to you with thorns and weeds,
and you will feed on the Polish vegetation.
19 in the sweat of your face
you will eat your bread
how long you don't go back to the ground:
that from the country you were taken -
You are dust, you will return to the dust. "
20 The man is named Eva to his wife, for the mother is alive. 21 And they make the LORD, God, man and his wife's fur clothes, and dress them. 22 Then God said, "Here, man became like one of us - knowing good and evil! In order not to reach out now, he picked up from the tree of life and eaten and lived by Nadu! " 24 Excavate, therefore, to the man and settle it east of the garden of Eden, and set the kerubin and a flame sword that shimmered - to watch over the path leading to the tree of life.