The first seal and a rider on a white horse
Revelation 6, 1-2
Revelation 6
And I saw: when the Lamb opened the first of the seven seal, I hear the first of the four beings speak with a voice like thunder: "Come!" I look, and that "a white horse" and a bow to its rider. And it's his day crown and as a victor go to conquer.
Wednesday, March 7, 2012, 3:40 p.m
... The first seal is apostasy, which is seen not only among unbelievers, but also among those who claim to know Me and those who publicly proclaim their love for Me.
This is the time when the truth of the faith will be twisted, when you My children are shown a watered down teaching that is an insult to My Teachings.
I tell you children that when you see new false faiths and religious teachings springing up, you will know that now is the time for the first seal to be revealed.
Look around and what do you see? Religions that worship new gods you've never heard of. Religions based on science fiction, which resemble nonsense and which lack solidity. Spiritual beings who are not of this world, but who many believe represent the Heavenly Kingdom of My Father.
Pay attention now because you are living in a fantasy.
None of these metaphysical beliefs represent the Truth.
Any teaching that teaches you the importance of putting yourself before everything else is teaching that comes from Satan.
Don't listen. Turn your back on this cruel scam.
Those who seek false gods and devote their lives to idolizing false gods are lost to Me ...
There is only one God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, in one Holy Trinity. Any other god comes from satan, regardless of the attractiveness of the disguise. Please do not waste your Eternal Life by pledging allegiance to those faiths that worship new age practices, including Reiki, Yoga, new age meditation, tarot cards, clairvoyance, psychic manifestations, and the worship of angels associated with exalted masters. Slowly but surely, these occult practices have been accepted not only by your society, but also by the Catholic and Christian Churches. These false religious teachings are spreading so fast that they have devoured billions of God's children, who have now found so much false comfort in them that they no longer recognize the Existence of the One True God. Your Jesus