The scientist who came up with the MARK OF THE BEAST warns: The devil will enslave you with this!
The article was transferred from the portal Dnevno
Author: Vjera Friday, September 20, 2019 at 11:05 am
After working on the mark of the beast project, he had a conversion and warned the world... dr. Carl Sanders is a scientist who worked as one of the scientists responsible for the development of microchips. This electronics engineer has been working on the development of this technology since 1968, from its very beginning. He gathered a group of one hundred of the world's best scientists and they conducted a study that cost one million and 500 thousand dollars at the time. The aim of this scientific study was to determine the most suitable place in the human body where a microchip could be placed, taking into account body temperature. The research showed, after many experiments, that the most convenient place for a microchip is the right hand, and right under the hair on the face, that is, on the forehead. dr. Sanders was a complete unbeliever at the time and did not know that his discovery was exactly what the apostle John wrote in Revelation two thousand years ago. After the discovery that the microchip works if it is placed on the forehead or in the right hand, scientist Carl Sanders is invited to read the book of Revelation. He was totally shocked when he saw for himself how perfectly science matched John's prophecy about the mark of the Beast. After reading it, the veil fell from his eyes and he testified himself that he wept for four full days because he realized that his discovery would eventually lead to mankind becoming slaves to Satan, as the Apocalypse predicts. He experienced conversion and began the ministry of preaching God's word about the mark of the beast. This scientist warns that the microchip is really the seal of Satan and that whoever accepts it becomes his slave in eternity. Since then, Sanders has been working to save souls from the deception of the Antichrist, to free them from this project that he himself worked on with his team. In the meantime, the scientist fell ill with cancer and was miraculously cured in the terminal phase of this disease, which, as he testified, was another confirmation of God's presence, after which he and his wife dedicated their lives to warning Christians about receiving the Mark of the Beast, which leads to destruction. Namely, only in recent years has microchipping taken off, and now efforts are being made to convince humanity that it is a technology that we all need, both for health, for a comfortable life, and for safety (kidnapping, etc.). .
The Book of Truth
Global Power, The Anti-Christ and Mark of the Beast
Monday, November 15th, 2010 @ 11:00
The antichrist
Many of My followers will fall prey to this despicable deceit. Be on your guard. He will be seen as the messenger of love, peace
and harmony in the world. People will fall to their knees and adore him. He will show you his power and you will believe it is of a
Divine source. But it's not. He will instruct you in a manner that will seem odd at times. True believers will know he is not of the
Light. His boastful, pompous demeanour will be hidden behind pure evil. He will strut and show what will appear to be true
compassion and love for all. Behind this façade he is full of hatred for you, My beloved children. He laughs behind closed doors.
My children, he will confuse you terribly. He will appear powerful, confident, humorous, caring, loving and will be seen as a
saviour. His handsome face will appeal to all, but he will soon change. He will wreak havoc in the world and will murder many. His
acts of terror will be clear for all to see. He will destroy your independence and he will be instrumental in bringing about the mark
– the mark of the beast. You, My children, will have to be strong. Do not accept the mark because if you do you will come under
his evil hypnotic influence.
Many will die for their faith in Me. No, do not fear, because if you suffer for Me, in Me, with Me, you are chosen. Pray, pray not to
submit to his reign of terror. Stand up, fight for Me.
Do not let the antichrist, for all his convincing charm, win over your souls. Let Me hold you in My Arms; cradle you with My Divine
grace, now, to give you the strength to fight for the Truth. My Love for you will never die. You should never choose this route, or
you too will be lost to Me. It will be hard, but help will be given to My children in many, many ways, to ease your suffering. Go now
and pray My Divine Mercy and prepare for the final battle.
Jesus Christ, King of My People
Saviour and Just Judge