The second account of creation - Paradise on earth
- The name of the true God, Yahweh, is mentioned for the first time, which was revealed to Moses in Arabia at the foot of Horeb in 1510 BC. (2460 AM). When we compare the chronology of the first account of creation with this second account, we find ourselves in the third day when the land and the sea were formed, but there was no vegetation yet, because there was no rain and there was no man yet. It seems that God created Adam, a man in the first part of the third day, and a woman on the sixth day, and thus the creation of man was completed on the sixth day, when the woman Eve was created, he created them male and female. Adam and Eve together form a complete man who was created as such on the sixth day. God creates man from the dust of the earth, from matter, and breathes into him the spirit that animates that matter. - God plants a garden in the east in Eden and places in it a man whom he had already made somewhere else, further west, probably in the area of the holy land and the later city of Jerusalem. Eden is located near the city of Tabriz, northwestern Iran as discovered by Egyptologist David Rohl. The area where Eden was located is bounded on the west by Lake Urmia, and on the other sides by mountains that form a mountain saddle to the east where Adam and Eve were later expelled and settled east of Eden. God causes various trees to spring up, which corresponds to the third day of creation when God causes the earth to sprout with greenery, seed-bearing grass, and fruit-bearing trees. In Eden itself, in addition to these various trees, two special trees sprouted, the tree of life in the middle of the garden, a symbol of immortality and the tree of knowledge of good and evil, a symbol of the supernatural knowledge possessed by spiritual beings. - The river rises in Eden and branches into four rivers. The order of the rivers goes from the least known, to the most well-known, or from the smallest to the largest rivers, so that the biblical writer does not give any additional characteristics for the Euphrates River, as with other rivers. The Pishon River, little known, is probably the Uizhun River, which is known as the Golden River, passing between ancient gold and lapis lazuli mines and flowing into the Caspian Lake in northwestern Iran. Some of today's toponyms correspond to toponyms from the Book of Genesis, then the descriptions of the riches of Havilska land, gold, precious stones correspond to Biblical descriptions. The wealth of the land of Havilska is gold, bdelij-aromatic resin and onyx-a type of precious stone. The Gihon River is the Aras River that flows through Turkey, Armenia, Iran and Azerbaijan, flows into the Kura River, which flows into the Caspian Lake. The river Gihon-Aras passes through the land of Cush. And the river Aras today flows between the mountain range whose name is Kusheh Dagh, which reminds of the name of the land of Kush. The third river is the Tigris, which most people are familiar with, flowing eastward from Ashur, the ancient city. Ashur is the second son of Shem, the descendant of Cush and Nimrod of the same name. He builds cities in Assyria. The fourth river is the Euphrates, the most famous and largest of all the mentioned rivers. - Yahweh God places man in the Garden of Eden, which is a real material relocation, most likely from the area of the holy land to Eden, but also a symbol of elevation to a supernatural life. Man has the task to cultivate and preserve the garden, and symbolically to cultivate the garden of his soul and to preserve it from angels who have already fallen, whom man does not even know have fallen. All the trees in the garden were given to him for food, as described in the first account, except for the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, which is a symbol of supernatural knowledge that was not given to man, and which all spiritual beings have. God warns man not to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, not to desire such wisdom and such knowledge that God did not give him, and to put him to the test of faithfulness as all the angels were tested on the first day. If he just tastes from that tree he will die. It will be immediate spiritual death and later physical death. If one day is understood as a thousand years, then it means that Adam will die without living a thousand years. Adam eventually lived to be 930 years old. The punishment for the sin of disobedience and unbelief is separation from God in life on earth and in the future life after death. - God does not want man to be alone. Although man is still in grace and has not sinned, there is still some distance between God and man and man does not have the knowledge and closeness of God like the angels, and that is why God creates animals and birds, which is the fifth and sixth day of creation. God gives names to creation in the first two days of creation, and already on the third day when Adam was created alone, man begins to name trees, the sun, the moon, stars and also animals. None of these beings have enough resemblance to the first man. God takes a rib from Adam and makes a woman, Eve, out of it. God wants that just as the Angels participated in the creation of the first man, man himself, even in his own small way, participates in the creation of a new being, the woman-Eve, by giving his rib. God again gives the man the authority to name his wife Eve, a woman should be called when she is taken from a man (is - man, issha - little man). In the future, the man will leave the family in which he was born and will create his new family with his wife. The man and his wife were naked and did not feel shame, nor lust, which is the fruit of disorder caused by sin, i.e. by eating from the tree of knowledge of good and evil.