Very soon, Hell will be formally declared as a place, which does not exist Sunday, January 12th, 2014 @ 20:28


... Today, no servant of Mine – those
appointed to serve Me – ever refers to the existence of Hell. The mere mention of the word Hell embarrasses My sacred
servants, for they fear the ridicule they would have to face from a secular society, which has been deceived.Hell is home to
many poor souls and how it pains Me to see unsuspecting souls, plunge into the abyss of terror, at the moment they
take their last breath.
God's children must be told now of the urgency to pray for souls who are blind to the Truth. Very soon, Hell will be formally
declared as a place, which does not exist.Souls will be told that all of God's children, once they live reasonable and
dignified lives – irrespective as to whether they believe in God, or not – will be given Eternal Life. But this will be a lie.
There is no return from Hell. It is for eternity.
Many souls who outwardly rejected Me, both privately and in public, languish in Hell. Their bitter regret is made worse by their
terrible painful suffering and hatred of Satan. Once in Hell, Satan reveals himself to them in all of his wicked and vile forms
and his hatred of them fills them every second. Their revulsion of him, in itself – the same beast to whom they paid
homage during their lives on Earth – is the cause of much of their pain. But, it is their separation from Me and the pain of
darkness which they experience, which creates the greatest anguish.
Any man who tells you, in My Name, that Hell does not exist has no interest in helping you to save your soul. When you are
convinced that Hell does not exist, then you wrongly assume that sin is irrelevant.
You cannot serve Me if you believe that sin does not exist. You cannot live a glorious life for eternity in My Kingdom, if you do not
ask Me to forgive you your sins. This is the kernel of the new, soon to be introduced, doctrine, which you will be forced to
swallow. This is when you will be tricked into neglecting to prepare your soul for the Great Day of the Lord, when I come to claim
you as Mine.
I tell you this to warn you – not to frighten you. I beg you to accept sin as part of your lives, but I urge you to continue to avoid the
seven deadly sins, for when you do, you will be in My Favour. You must always confess your sins. Do this daily. Talk to Me and
ask Me to forgive you. For those of you who cannot receive the Sacrament of Confession – those who follow many faiths and
religions – then you must accept the Gift I gave you of the Plenary Indulgence.
Look after your soul, for it is your soul which will live forever. You will live in only one of two places, for eternity – in Hell or in My

Your Jesus

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