And I saw: when the Lamb opened the first of the seven seal, I hear the first of the four beings speak with a voice like thunder: "Come!" I look, and that "a white horse" and a bow to its rider. And it's his day crown and as a victor go to conquer.

In the third year of King Balthazar, it is probably about 550 years. BC Daniel has a vision of another beast - the little horn mentioned by St. John the Apostle, which will come at the end of time. First, it describes the immediate future - the rise of the Persian Empire, and after that the victory of Alexander the...

... Ordinary people will have to pave the way for spreading the truth about My Second Coming. Due to the rapid development of spiritual darkness, spread by atheism and the wave of satanic worship in today's sad and ungrateful world, ordinary souls, true believers, will take on this task. Pray for the salvation of humanity because the world is...

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